ITS Canada Inc. - The History
I.T.S. Canada Inc.* has its roots in the broadcast (television) engineering industry in support of the early stages of Electronic News Gathering, Post Production and Transmission along with design and support of ENG and SNG (Satellite News Gathering) vehicles.
In 1989, I.T.S. Canada became gradually involved in the design and supply of specialized surveillance devices and industrial intrusion detection and access control systems.
The core business grew with a greater proportion of support to the Law Enforcement and Military applications market such that the acronym for I.T.S. Canada became Intelligence, Tactical and Surveillance.
I.T.S. Canada maintains current clearances and special licenses as required and is registered under the Controlled Goods Registration Program, Certificate No. 20170.
It should be noted that, due to the application and specification of certain devices and technologies offered by I.T.S. Canada, you will be asked to provide personal and agency details to receive the information you desire.
I.T.S. Canada Inc. - The Mission Statement
To support the Law Enforcement, Military and Industrial markets within Canada in the information transfer, design consultation, supply, training and engineering support of specialized technologies used for: Intelligence Gathering; Tactical Operations; Audio, Video and Data Surveillance; E.O.D. and I.E.D.D. applications and Technical Security Counter Measures.
I.T.S. Canada Inc., its principles, staff and associates, will maintain the required standards of confidentiality and protection of information, both from clients and suppliers, as may be requested or required by law.
I.T.S. Canada Inc. will provide diligent and professional service to all industry clients as well as each supplier represented in Canada.
Industry Associations

* trade style of Integrated Telecommunications Systems Canada Inc., federally incorporated 1989